A experienced coach reading quotes about spiritual musings on life, miracles, appreciation, & gratitude. www.coachkenji.com

Sunday Oct 24, 2010

Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Challenges: meet them all!
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
"I have reached a point in my life where I understand the pain and the challenges; and my attitude is one of standing up with open arms to meet them all." - Myrlie Evers

Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Rosa Parks
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
"To this day I believe we are here on earth to live, grow, and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom." - Rosa Parks

Sunday Oct 24, 2010
To Thine Own Self
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
"Honor your own complexity." - Mark Gerzon from Coming Into Our Own

Sunday Oct 24, 2010
We Are All Equal
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
Sunday Oct 24, 2010
"Not only must the most privileged feel they are brothers and sisters of the most destitute, but the most destitute must feel as well that something within them makes them equal to the greatest sages and geniuses." - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Still I Rise
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? 'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise. - Maya Angelou - excerpted from Still I Rise

Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Grapes & The Sun
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
"The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do." - Galileo Galilei

Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Reclaim. Renew.
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone." - Audrey Hepburn

Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Harvest & Business = Ours
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
"We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond." - Gwendolyn Brooks

Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Rumi: the soul
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy." - Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks in We Are Three
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