A experienced coach reading quotes about spiritual musings on life, miracles, appreciation, & gratitude. www.coachkenji.com

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Managing The Pandemic of Our Minds
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
This is a 10-minute Dharma talk I wrote about "Right Thought" in relation to the Pandemic (and what we 'feed' our minds).
– Me

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
What Would Happen If We Let Go?
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
What Would Happen If We Let Go?
the three candles represent the trinity
the trinity of life, death, and what falls in-between
weather that’s the literal life, the literal death or something in-between
what happens when we awaken to something that is changing us? or has annoyed us? or that we love?
what happens between that and the outcome
that shift, that change
something so much like this world is going through
there was before
there will be the after
there is the in-between
what would it be like to sit still in the in between
to not know
to be in discomfort
to let go
what is that we're cleaning onto so strongly requires us to hold
what are we holding onto?
what might we find if we let go?
what might we find if we let go and let whatever version of our god comes through us?
– Unknown

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
I Never Quite Feel Right
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
I Never Quite Feel Right
I never quite feel right until the effects of
wind reach my head
and kick it back like a mule might
whose hoofs just landed a clean solid blow.
My vision mount corrected in aimed
towards the heavens
and my ticket of intoxication firmly in hand
for at least an hour,
There seems so many interesting possibilities
But I wasn't fully aware of before.
– Hafiz (Daniel Ladinsky – Interpretation)

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Avi Purrs While Eating
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
This is an audio recording of my cat, eating, and purring at the same time.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Blog Update
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Hi Folks!
Just a note of caution that I intend on bringing more spirituality into the blog by posting both prayers and Buddhist teachings. I hope you'll stick around and if not, I won't take it personally!
- Kenji

Friday Jun 27, 2014
Are You David or Goliath? Do Something Teeny Today
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things. – Frank A. Clark
Daily Habits are small constructive actions done on a routine basis that quickly give you a sense of accomplishment and forward momentum. Daily habits form a foundation upon which major change takes place. What action, if taken on a regular basis, would make a difference for you? (at the end of the post there's a free worksheet to download).
Here's an example, drawn from the the book The Slight Edge: if you ate a cheeseburger everyday of your life, what would your health be like in 20 years? What if you did ten minutes of light exercise everyday for 20 years?What would you accumulate?
I use these sheets for: exercise, these blog postings, homework from my coach ... everything and anything. They keep me on track and keep me moving forward.
Tip #1: Instead of shaming yourself for days you don't do the habit, just watch and learn. For instance: I see a pattern in the days that I'm doing my exercising and it tells me where I need to expand.
Tip #2: Put the worksheet up on a wall. Someplace that will jog your memory.
Tip #3: If you have something like exercises (I have them for my back) staple the worksheet to one side of a manila file folder, and the exercise sheets to the other side of the folder. Use colorful folders!
Tip #4: New habit? Make it small. 5 minutes. Do-able. 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 5 weeks. That will establish the habit!
Let me know if this helps! I'd love your feedback, suggestions, and ideas!
Here's the FREE Daily Habits Worksheet to get you moving forward! (it's just a PDF, no surprises, no email lists, just my gift to you).

Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014

Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Not Dulling The Mind with TV (which I love)
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Sunday Mar 30, 2014

Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.
- Howard Thurman

Wednesday Nov 20, 2013
The Grateful Heart
Wednesday Nov 20, 2013
Wednesday Nov 20, 2013
The grateful heart is a manifestation of one's true self. Nothing sidelines the ego more effectively than a grateful heart.
- Albert Nolan